JANUARY 31ST, 2025
damn, long month. i cant believe the shitstorm taking place in America at the moment, god is it worrying. the plane crashes scare me the most, as my mom travels for work quite often. i know that statistically these are rare events, but like, jesus christ. um yea January was chill, wish github would stop autocapping stuff in my sentences, i have an aesthetic to maintain god damnit. ive been better at eating recently so that is fun. shit sucks, i actually hateeee having to put in effort into that, what bullshit. rly not much is new, my hair is really long and very blonde and i like that a lot. my cat bit me earlier, i love him to death. speaking of death, tomorrow I'm attending a goth party and im super fucking pumped. i got myself some serious hardware made by a company in new jersey; god's greatest joke. actually i think god's greatest joke is rhode island, bc what the fuck is even that. there's a town there called woonsocket. interesting stuff.
song of the whatever: Lucretia my Reflection
Merry Christmas but frl this time. i got many wonderful gifts, i cannot wait for my trip. there are many beautiful beach locations i simply cannot wait to visit. i need to start packing, but that shit is boring as hell. packing lists are also boring, but i forget things and you cannot do that in a 3rd world country. idk, i am so excited. i want more dope tan lines. my boobs r bigger, lfg. my apettite has returned thank god. imogen heap is one of the most profound artists of our generation. the fact that she created her own musical contraption and software is stunning in every sense of then word. clams casino is also beautiful. James cameron is also a fabulous artist. he referenced in his art book that he spent time honing his craft and embracing what he adored and when lfie opened a door, he had the neccesarry knowledge to step through. he mentions being prepared, conflicting with most interpretations of life simply flinding a way. i do not disagree with this philosiphy, however i do not believe fate has a hand in all things. in kung fu panda, shifu and oogway explain their opposing viewpoints of control over the world. shifu explains he can control where the seed will fall, if it will recieve nutrients, etc. there are things that can be controlled and must be to remain behind the wheel of one's own life. but some, are as unreachable as the wind. the film centers heacily on the struggle between the illusion of control. i do not blieve that control is completely out of the hands of humanity, but some simply slips through our fingers to the cosmos. idk, i am drunk.
i also discussed a french philosiphy a friend of mine heard about, perhaps it was voltaire. he argued that one can only desire something they have seen. obviously this did not accunt for the internet. my friend mentioned that he wanted to be among the stars and that it was impossible, although i found myself hesitating to agree. we have seen the stars, and we know of their existience. what if one were to exist in a cave? deep below the surface of the earth? i find this debate interesting, i shall debate it more. thank god for asian resteraunts, not even mcdonalds was open today. i really love mcdonalds, it's a problem.
will blog more when the mac is alive. I'm going to watch marine antionette. it's going to be my 21st birthday theme and i cant wait to wear a robe á la anglaise with sunglasses and half long blonde hair. xoxo <3
song of the day: timless by the weeknd and playboy cartiiii
merry chrstmas. i'm not religious and i never could be but i think it's kinda neat, every year i get some kind of strange catholic fascination n just with relgion in general. some guy sent me an insane love confession message which was honestly, a red flag but like idk i liked him. bro said he wants to take me out and then like i asked when his semester ended and he says he's leaving for break. when i was like oh (bc he said he'd gen love to try with me again and he'd love to take me out like) he said "sorry miss". :( what a candy ass bitch. currently making cinnamon rolls. i like to look at all the pictures i have printed out on my wall. there are 2 placements of "out" in the last sentences that align perfectly. my cat keeps attacking my family's cat and i feel really bad about it. i'm excited to go to costa rica, even though i'm scared as shit to zipline and all that bullshit. whateva! i rly like candles wax is so beautiful, i love the way it drips. i also really like having a blog. shit is fun! i need to blog more.
i'm lowkey concerned i killed my sourdough starter. i feel bad i keep killin em, it was a marvel of science i'm just neglectful. thats why i hesitated to name the damn thing, bc i'd feel worse once it died frl. i should buy some bread flour, it has a higher protien content so better for bread making. do not purchase oven ready lasagna noodles, they're mushy as shit n it's nasty. i make a killer sauce however. my new secret is the sofrita spice mix from trader joes, i should stock up on that shit bc it is incredible. or maybe, make some myself and give it as a gift. i alwa- my cinnamon rolls r done!
i love peas. my roommate and her boyfriend are falling in love and it's the cutest damn thing i've ever seen. he really likes her alot and opening chrismtas presents w them was absolutely wonderful and i love them. i'm really forgetful, and sometimes that makes me feel dumb. but i've been working hard to improve my memory and save my brain from fry-age so.
total views are at 73 now, that's really chill. i think im gonna put this on my instagram.
hello dear reader
Song of the day: For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica
hello again ;)
So here I am, stuck at the airport. I am currently watching a man in a gucci fanny pack drop blueberries on the ground as he shoves them into his gaping maw. Now he just pulled out some sweaty cheese and is eating it by the handful. What an animal. He dsicussed the silent majority, and honesrly I think bro is on steriods because he is a sad, middle aged freak. Freak of the week, if you will. Or freak of the airport considering the extenuating circumstances. This cheese freak of the week.
He finished the cheese, now left with a glass tupperware container he tucks into his large, unneccesary yeti cooler. This man's Prada sneakers are far too clean to be worn anywhere but equinox. His friend is hot. Continuing their conversation, he details the writing of instagram scripts. Lord knows what these are, and he boastfully comments on how it is too easy to come up with content. Jesus weeps for simpler times, and for less goobers to populate Denver International Airport. And for the love of god, how does a man with so much fake drip not know how to figure out time zone differences.
Blueberries lie desolate on the unforgiving, grey patterened carpet.
JULY 30TH 2024
ideally i'd like to add some more flair to this page, perhaps a logo on each side of the blog idek.
hah! gottem! now, to make this resemble an internal messaging service...
april 15, 2024
maybe this time perhaps
i had quite the eventful night with site updates, and new pages. i figured out a varriety of new features, too many to list here in fact. i'm currently thinking of what to do next, perhaps i'll start a fivver account? dunno.
april 14, 2024
maybe this time perhaps
hah! gottem! now, to make this resemble an internal messaging service...
april 14, 2024
well, i suppose this begins my blog, diary, progress update notepad thing. i don't exactly know what i'll document here, but i enjoy the process.
today, obviously, i began my portfolio. i am inspired by a friend to learn CSS as quickly as possible, so i can begin with java. i've had some fun with the fonts, however i'm currently working on updating them and adding some more cyberpunk like designs. for now though, i think it'll do.
i'm a little stuck on what services to start offering. i'd ideally like to keep a stylized, early 2000s era website, however that is not exactly considered professional or acessible to modern audiences. strange. i like to take inspiration from japanese web design, as strange as it seems. their sites often appear clunky, cluttered, full of information, colors and pictures. it speaks to their culture of informed buying decisions, however i just find the aesthetics themselves interesting. anywhoo.